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Out of Equilibrium H 290 p. 98

Amendola, Mario, Gaffard, Jean-Luc  著

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発行年月 1998年07月
出版国 イギリス
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 hardcover
ページ数/巻数 290 p., figures
ジャンル 洋書/社会科学/経済学/マクロ経済学
ISBN 9780198293804
商品コード 0209801840
本の性格 学術書
書評掲載誌 Journal of Economic Literature


Standard equilibrium economic models focus on interdependencies. In Out of Equilibrium, Amendola and Gaffard develop a theory also dealing with interdependencies, but based on disequilibria, which take the form of feedback mechanisms over time. The way in which these disequilibria interact sequentially determines the evolution path of an economy. As a result, different processes may be associated with any kind of original shock. Whereas in equilibrium models these processes are determined by the 'fundamentals' of the economy, here the outcome is heavily influenced by the processes themselves, the sequential decisions taken, and policies followed. The model proposed in this book is a heuristic tool that makes it possible to explore these `disequilibria'. By using it, economic phenomena and policy recommendations appear entirely different, and in most cases the interpretations made are diametrically opposite to those advocated by the dominant equilibrium theory, thus giving a new perspective on the recent past of the Western economies.

