Quality of Life: Perspectives and policies. 224 p.
Acknowledgements, Introduction, Part One: Conceptual Frameworks 1.Commodities, characteristics of commodities, characteristics of people,utilities and the quality of life A J Culyer 2. The quality of life:starting from Aristotle C B Meqone 3. The quality of life: a contrastbetween utilitarian and existentialist approaches J Hodges , Part Two:Methodology Introduction: What are QALYs? 4. Issues in the design andconstruction of a quality of life measure P Kind 5. Multidimensionalrepresentation of disablement: a qualitative approach M Hirst 6. Thescope and limitations of QALY measures G Loomes and L McKenzie , PartThree: Empirical Perspectives 7. Economic approaches to measuringquality of life: conceptual convenience or methodological straitjacket?A Sheill, C Pettipher, N Raynes and K Wright 8. Spouse carers: whosequality of life? G Parker 9. Caring at home for children with mentalhandicaps S Baldwin and K Gerard 10. Security and autonomy: criteriafor judging the quality of care offered to adolescents in time limitedplacements C Downs 11. Choice and self determination as aspects ofquality of life in private sector homes A Corden n 12. TestingTownsend: exploring living standards using secondary data analysis SHutton , Part Four: Policy Issues 13. The relationship betweenindividual choice and government policy in the decision to consumehazardous goods. C Godfrey and M Powell 14. The QALY: how can it beused? C Gudex 15. Treating people with AIDS: is it ethical to beefficient? A Eastwood and A Maynard.