Twentieth-Century Poetry:From Text to Context (Interface) '93
Series Editor's Introduction Notes on Contributors AcknowledgementsIntroduction, Peter Verdonk 1. To analyse a poem stylistically: 'To Paint aWater Lily' by Ted Hughes, Mick Short 2. Person to person: Relationships inthe poetry of Tony Harrison, Henry G. Widdowson 3. Approaching Hill's 'OfCommerce and Society' through lexis, Michael Toolan 4. The lyrical game: C.Day Lewis' 'Last Words', Walter Nash 5. Between languages: grammar and lexisin Thomas Hardy's 'The Oxen', Ronald Carter The auditory imagination and themusic of poetry, Richard D. Cureton 7. Teach yourself 'rhetoric': an analysisof Philip Larkin's 'Church Going', Katie Wales 8. (Non)-communication in thepark, Ruth Waterhouse 9. Poetry and public life: a contextualized reading ofSeamus Heaney's 'Punishment', Peter Verdonk 10 The difficult style of 'TheWaste Land': a literary-pragmatic perspective on modernist poetry, Roger D.Sell 11. The poem and occasion, Balz Engler 12. 'Yo soy la Malinche': Chicanawriters and the poetics of ethnonationalism, Mary Louise Pratt Index