Uncertainty and Economic Evolution(Routledge Studies in Business Organizations and Networks Vol. 3) H 220 p. 97
Lott Jr., John L. 著
1. Introduction: Armen A. Alchian's Influence on Economics, John R. Lott, Jr. 2. Information, Chance and Evolution: Alchian and the Economics of Self-Organization, Arthur De Vany 3. Evolution and Spontaneous Uniformity: Evidence from the Evolution of the Limited Liability Company, Bruce H. Kobayashi and Larry E. Ribstein 4. Why Hold-ups Occur: The Self-Enforcing Range of Contractual Relationships, Benjamin Klein 5. Armen Alchian's Contribution to Macroeconomics, Jerry L. Jordan and William T. Gavin 6. Appropriable Rents from Yellowstone Park: A Case of Incomplete Contracting, Terry L. Anderson and Peter J. Hill 7. Cultural Evolution and Constitutional Public Choice: Institutional Diversity and Economic Performance on American Indian Reservations, Stephen Cornell and Joseph P. Kalt 8. Environmental Degradation Under East European State Socialism, Benjamin Zycher 9. Freedom, Wealth and Coercion, Gertrud M. Fremling and John R. Lott, Jr. 10. Discovery Factors of Economic Freedom: Respondence, Epiphany and Serendipity, Daniel B. Klein 11. In Celebration of Armen Alchian's 80th Birthday, John Lott