Psychological Debriefing:Theory, Practice and Evidence '00
Overview: key issues in the conceptualisation of debriefing; Part I. KeyConceptual Framework of Debriefing: 1. Historical concepts and presentpatterns: stress management and debriefing; 2. Debriefing: its role in thespectrum of prevention and acute management of psychological trauma; 3.Briefing and debriefing: psychological interventions in acute stressorsituations; 4. Traumatic stress and the concept of debriefing: theoreticalframeworks and potential effects and other settings; Part II. Debriefing:Models, Research and Practice: 5. Critical incident stress debriefing:evolutions, effects and outcomes; 6. Debriefing with emergency services:critical incident stress management; 7. Debriefing and body recovery: wargrave soldiers; 8. Debriefing and body recovery: police in a civiliandisaster; 9. Debriefing after massive road trauma: perceptions and outcomes;10. Debriefing and motor vehicle accidents: interventions and outcomes; 11.Debriefing with service personnel in war and peace roles: experience andoutcomes; 12. Debriefing post disaster: follow-up after a major earthquake;13. Debriefing after disaster; 14. Children and debriefing: theory,interventions and outcomes; 15. Debriefing adolescents after critical lifeevents; Part III. Adaptations of Debriefing Models: 16. Delayed debriefing:after a disaster; 17. Debriefing in different cultural frameworks: experiencewith indigenous populations; 18. The concept of debriefing and itsapplication to staff dealing with life threatening illnesses such as cancer,AIDS and other conditions; 19. Traumatic childbirth and the role ofdebriefing; 20. Debriefing staff after assaults by patients; 21. Multiplestressor debriefing as a model for intervention; Part IV. Debriefing Overviewand Future Directions: 22. Concerns about debriefing: challenging themainstream; 23. Is consensus possible about debriefing? 24. Can debriefingwork? critical appraisal of theories of interventions and outcomes withdirections for future research; 25. A conceptual framework for mass trauma:implications for adaptation and intervention; Conclusion: debriefing:science, belief and wisdom; Index.