A Guided Tour of Mathematical Methods: For the physical sciences. hardcover 430 p., 120 line diagrams, 5 half-tones.
Snieder, Roel. 著
1. Introduction; 2. Power series; 3. Spherical and cylindricalcoordinates; 4. The gradient; 5. The divergence of a vector field; 6.The curl of a vector field; 7. The theorem of Gauss; 8. The theorem ofStokes; 9. The Laplacian; 10. Conservation laws; 11. Scale analysis;12. Linear algebra; 13. The Dirac delta function; 14. Fourier analysis;15. Analytic functions; 16. Complex integration; 17. Green's functions,principles; 18. Green's functions, examples; 19. Normal modes; 20.Potential theory; 21. Cartesian tensors; 22. Perturbation theory; 23.Epilogue, on power and knowledge; References.