Paths to Successful Development: Personality in the life course. hardcover 400 p., 38 figs., 25 tabs.
Personality and paths to successful development: an overview LeaPulkkinen and Avshalom Caspi; Part I. Temperament and Emotion Regulation: 1.Temperament and socialization Mary K. Rothbart and Samuel P. Putnam; 2. Therole of emotionality and regulation in children's social competence andadjustment Nancy Eisenberg, Richard A. Fabes, Ivanna K. Guthrie and MarkReiser; Part II. Formation of Social Relationships: 3. Attachmentrelationships and appraisal of partnership: from early experience ofsensitive support to later relationship representation Klaus E. Grossmann,Karin Grossmann, Monika Winter and Peter Zimmermann; 4. How do adolescentsselect their friends? a behaviour genetic perspective Richard J. Rose; PartIII. Continuity in Individual Life Paths: 5. Personality types in childhoodand adolescence: main effects and person-relationship transactions Marcel A.G. van Aken, Cornelis F. M. van Lieshout, Ron H. J. Scholte and Gerbert J. T.Haselager; 6. The influence of early behaviour patterns on later life Glen H.Elder, Jr. and Robert Crosnoe; 7. Studying processes: some methodologicalconsiderations Lars Bergman; Part IV. Environmental Contributions toPersonality Development: 8. The role of ethnic identity in personalitydevelopment Brett Laursen and Vicki Williams; 9. Time and change:psychosocial transition in German adults 1991 and 1996 Rainer K. Silbereisen,Matthias Reitzle and Linda Juang; Part V. Life Transitions: 10. Developmentalregulation of life-course transitions: a control theory approach JuttaHeckhausen; 11. Social selection, social causation, and developmentalpathways: empirical strategies for better understanding how individuals andenvironments are linked across the life course Avshalom Caspi; 12. Pathwaysthrough challenge: implications for well-being and health Carol D. Ryff,Burton H. Singer and Marsha Mailick Seltzer; Part VI. Personal Goals andWell-Being: 13. Individual differences in personal goals in mid-thirties LeaPulkkinen, Jari-Erik Nurmi and Katja Kokko; 14. Social Production Function(SPF) theory as an heuristic for understanding developmental trajectories andoutcomes Johan Ormel; 15. Searching for paths to successful development andageing: integrating developmental and action-theoretical perspectives JochenBrandstadter.