The Ethnological Roots of Culture: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on the Ethological Roots of Culture, Cortona
Studying the ethological roots of culture; R.A. Gardner, B.T. Gardner.Part I: Field Studies. Evidence of structure in macaque communication; A.Zeller. The central-peripheral structure of the Tanaxpillo colony ofstumptail macaques; D.R. Rasmussen, E. Riordan, M. Farrington, E. Kelly, J.Nachman, S. Fernandez, A. Churchill. Cultural implications of differencesbetween populations of free-ranging chimpanzees in Africa; W.C. McGrew.Precultural behaviour of Japanese macaques: Longitudinal studies of theKoshima troops; K. Watanabe. Bird song learning: a model of culturaltransmission? P.J.B. Slater, J.M. Williams. Swarm intelligence and theemergence of cultural swarm patterns; G. Theraulaz, J.-L. Deneubourg. PartII: Laboratory Studies. Mother-pup transmission of a feeding technique in thegolden hamster; E. Prato Previde, M.D. Poli. A study of social, genetic, andenvironmental determinants of cultural transmission in the house mouse; P.Valsecchi, I. Bosellini, D. Mainardi, M. Mainardi. Can chimpanzees use toolsby observational learning? D. Paquette. Social transmission of stimulusrecognition by birds, fish and molluscs; M.D. Suboski. Part III:Cross-Fostered Chimpanzees. Ethological roots of language; R.A. Gardner, B.T.Gardner. Development of phrases in the utterances of children andcross-fostered chimpanzees; B.T. Gardner, R.A. Gardner. Transmission of humangestural language in a chimpanzee mother-infant relationship; R.S. Fouts. Theuse of remote video recordings to study the use of American Sign Language bychimpanzees when no humans are present; D.H. Fouts. Part IV: InfantDevelopment. Is there prenatal culture? M.-C. Busnel. The earliness andcomplexity of the interaction skills and social behaviours of the child withits peers; H. Montagner, B. Epoulet, G. Gauffier, R. Goulevitch, V.Huvert-Ruiz, N. Ramel, B. Wiaux, A. Restoin, M. Taule. Learning by instincts,developmental transitions and the roots of culture in infancy; F.X. Plooij,H.H.C. Van de Rijt-Plooij. Part V: Ethnographic and Historical Patterns. Anethological perspective on human handedness; L.F. Marchant, W.C. McGrew.Culture and olfactory communication; M. Kirk-Smith. Cultural evolution in manof postures, gestures, and unverbalized social relations; C. Russell, W.M.S.Russell. Part VI: Paleoanthropological Patterns. Evolution of human culture:a composite pattern; F. Giusti. Culture and its biological origins: a viewfrom ethology, epigenesis and design; V. Geist. Causes of our completedependence on culture; P. Slurink.