New Horizons of Computational Science 2001st ed.(Astrophysics and Space Science Library Vol.263) H XX, 312 p. 01
Ebisuzaki, Toshikazu,
Makino, Junichiro
発行年月 |
2001年11月 |
出版国 |
オランダ |
言語 |
英語 |
媒体 |
冊子 |
装丁 |
hardcover |
ページ数/巻数 |
XX, 312 p. |
ジャンル |
洋書/理工学/情報科学/情報科学:概論 |
9780792370505 |
商品コード |
0204040489 |
本の性格 |
学術書 |
| |
The International Symposium on Supercomputing - New Horizon of Computational Science was held on September 1-3, 1997 at the Science MuseuminTokyo,tocelebrate60-yearbirthdayofProfessorDaiichiroSug imoto,who hasbeenleadingtheoreticalandnumericalastrophysicsfor 30 years. The conference coveredexceptionally wide range ofsubjects, to follow Sugimoto'saccomplishmentsinmanyfields.Onthefirstdaywehadthree talksonstellarevolutionandsixtalksonstellardynamics. Onthesecond day, six talks on special-purpose computingand four talks on large-scale computing in MolecularDynamicswere given. Onthethirdandthelast day,threetalks on dedicatedcomputerson LatticeQCDcalculationsand sixtalksonpresentandfutureofgeneral-purposeHPCsystemsweregiven. Inaddition,some30posterswerepresentedonvarioussubjectsincompu tationalscience. Instellarevolution, D.Arnett (Univ. ofArizona) gaveanexcellenttalk on the recent development in three-dimensionalsimulation ofSupernova, inparticularonquantitativecomparisonbetweendifferenttechniquessuch asgrid-basedmethodsandSPH (SmoothedParticleHydrodynamics). Y. Kondo (NASA) discussedresentadvanceinthemodelingoftheevolution ofbinarystars,and1.Hachisu(Univ. ofTokyo)discussedRayleigh-Taylor instabilitiesinsupernovae(contributionnotincluded). Instellardynamics, P.Hut(lAS)gaveasuperbreviewonthelong-term evolution ofstellarsystem, J. Makino (Univ. ofTokyo) described briefly theresultsobtainedonGRAPE-4special-purposecomputerandthefollow up project,GRAPE-6,whichisapprovedas ofJune 1997. GRAPE-6will be completed by year 2001 with the peak speed around 200 Tflops. R. Spurzem (Rechen-Inst.) and D. Heggie (Univ. of Edinburgh) talked on recentadvanceinthestudyofstarclusters,andE.Athanassoula(Marseille Observatory) describedthe work doneusingtheirGRAPE-3 systems. S. Ida (TokyoInst. ofTechnology) describedthe result ofthe simulationof theformationofMoon. Thefirst talkoftheseconddaywas given by F-H. Hsu oftheIBMT.J. Watson Research center, on "Deep Blue", the special-purpose computer for Chess,which, forthefirst timeinthehistory, wonthematchwiththe besthumanplayer,Mr. GaryKasparov(unfortunately,Hsu'scontribution isnot included in this volume). Then A. Bakker of Delft Inst. of Tech nology looked back his 20 years ofdevelopingspecial-purpose computers formoleculardynamicsandsimulationofspinsystems. J.Arnoldgavean overviewoftheemergingnewfieldofreconfigurablecomputing,whichfalls inbetweentraditionalgeneral-purposecomputersandspecial-purposecom puters. S.Okumura(NAO)describedthehistoryofultra-high-performance digital signalprocessors for radio astronomy. They havebuilt a machine with 20GaPS performance in early 80s, and keep improvingthe speed. M. Taiji (ISM) told on general aspects of GRAPE-type systems, and T. Narumi (Univ. of Tokyo) the 100-Tflops GRAPE-type machine for MD calculations,whichwillbefinished by 1999.