【キリスト教と布教 1450-1800】
Christianity and Missions, 1450–1800(An Expanding World: The European Impact on World History, 1450 to 1800 Vol. 28) H 424 p. 97
Contents: Introduction; Aux origines de la ’Congrégation’ indienne de l'Ordre des Frères prêcheurs (1546-1580), Charles-Martial de Witte; Antonio Possevino's plan for world evangelization, John Patrick Donnelly; The sacred congregation de Propaganda Fide: its foundation and historical antecedents, Joseph A. Griffin; 'Maximum illud': on the propagation of the Faith throughout the world (Apostolic letter, November 20th 1919), Benedict XV; Prophet and apostle: Bartolomé de las Casas and the spiritual conquest of America, David Brading; Pre-Baptismal instruction and the administration of Baptism in the Philippines during the 16th century, John Leddy Phelan; A note on Portuguese missionary methods in the east: 16th-18th centuries, C. R. Boxer; The problem of the native clergy in the Portuguese and Spanish empires from the16th to 18th centuries, C. R. Boxer; The Guaranà missions and the segregation policy of the Spanish crown, Magnus Mörner; Sinological torque: the influence of cultural preoccupations on 17th-century missionary interpretations of Confucianism, David E. Mungello; The development of an African Catholic Church in the Kingdom of Kongo, 1491-1750, John Thornton; European impact on the California Indians, 1530-1830, Harry Kelsey; From Tupã to the land without evil: the Christianization of Tupi-Guarani cosmology, Judith Shapiro; The missionary attitude of the philosopher G. W. von Leibniz, Francis R. Merkel; The earliest Protestant missionary venture in Latin America, G. Baez-Camargo; Pietist and Puritan sources of early Protestant world missions (Cotton Mather and A. H. Francke), Ernst Benz; Were Indian conversions Bona fide ? James Axtell; Index.