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Configurationality in Hungarian 1987th ed.(Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory Vol.3) H VII, 261 p. 87

Kiss, Katalin E.  著

在庫状況 お取り寄せ  お届け予定日 1ヶ月  数量 冊 
価格 \22,627(税込)         

発行年月 1987年06月
出版国 オランダ
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 hardcover
ページ数/巻数 VII, 261 p.
ジャンル 洋書/人文科学/言語学 /言語学:概論
ISBN 9789027719072
商品コード 0208644573


The purpose of this book is to argue for the claim that Hungarian sentence structure consists of a non-configurational propositional component, preceded by configurationally determined operator positions. In the course of this, various descriptive issues of Hungarian syntax will be analyzed, and various theoretical questions concerning the existence and nature of non­ configurational languages will be addressed. The descriptive problems to be examined in Chapters 2 and 3 center around the word order of Hungarian sentences. Chapter 2 identifies an invariant structure in the apparently freely permutable Hungarian sentence, pointing out systematic correspondences between the structural position, interpre­ tation, and stressing and intonation of the different constituents. Chapter 3 analyzes the word order phenomenon traditionally called 'sentence inter- I twining' of complex sentences, and shows that the term, in fact, covers two different constructions (a structure resulting from operator movement, and a base generated pattern) with differences in constituent order, operator scope and V-object agreement. Chapter 4 deals interpretation, case assignment, with the coreference possibilities of reflexives, reciprocals, personal pro­ nouns, and lexical NPs. Finally, Chapter 5 assigns structures to the two major sentence types containing an infinitive. It analyzes infinitives with an AGR marker and a lexical subject, focusing on the problem of case assignment to the subject, as well as subject control constructions, accounting for their often paradoxical, simultaneously mono- and biclausal behaviour in respect to word order, operator scope, and V-object agreement.


