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Australia's Empire(Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series) H 440 p. 08

Schreuder, Deryck, Ward, Stuart  編
在庫状況 お取り寄せ  お届け予定日 2週間  数量 冊 
価格 特価  \11,564(税込)         

発行年月 2008年02月
出版国 イギリス
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 hardcover
ページ数/巻数 440 p., 10 half tones
ジャンル 洋書/人文科学/歴史学 /各種テーマ史
ISBN 9780199273737
商品コード 0200785895
国件名 イギリスオーストラリア
本の性格 学術書
新刊案内掲載月 2007年12月
書評掲載誌 Choice


This is the first major collaborative reappraisal of Australia's experience of empire since the end of the British Empire itself. The volume examines the meaning and importance of empire in Australia across a broad spectrum of historical issues-ranging from the disinheritance of the Aborigines to the foundations of a new democratic state. The overriding theme is the distinctive Australian perspective on empire. The country's adherence to imperial ideals and aspirations involved not merely the building of a 'new Britannia' but also the forging of a distinctive new culture and society. It was Australian interests and aspirations which ultimately shaped 'Australia's Empire'. While modern Australians have often played down the significance of their British imperial past, the contributors to this book argue that the legacies of empire continue to influence the temper and texture of Australian society today.


