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The New Worlds 2007th ed.(Springer Praxis Books) P 200 p. 07

Casoli, Fabienne, Encrenaz, Thérèse  著

在庫状況 海外在庫有り  お届け予定日 1ヶ月  数量 冊 
価格 特価  \6,085(税込)         

発行年月 2007年04月
出版国 アメリカ合衆国
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 paper
ページ数/巻数 XII, 188 p.
ジャンル 洋書/理工学/天文学/天文学:概論
ISBN 9780387449067
商品コード 0200700889
本の性格 一般書
新刊案内掲載月 2007年03月
書評掲載誌 Choice


Exoplanet, extrasolar planet, exoEarth, exojupiter: neologisms still absent from many dictionaries. These terms are, however, current among astronomers, and are heard in their answers to a question already two millennia old: are there planets like ours elsewhere in the Universe? Greek atomists such as Epicurus were convinced of the existence of an infinite number of solar systems like our own, but it was only in 1995 that a real answer began to emerge. An extrasolar planet had been detected... a planet orbiting another star... a star like the Sun. So, the solar system was not unique! By mid- 2006 more than 200 giant exoplanets had been discovered. At this rate of discovery it seems that Earth-like planets may be found within a decade. The discovery of exoplanets held some surprises, in that they exhibited very different characteristics from what might have been expected. Although most of them are gas giants of masses comparable to Jupiter's mass, as a result of the rather insensitive nature of current detection methods, why are they from ten to fifty times closer to their stars than is Jupiter? How were these 'hot Jupiters' formed? Another surprise about exoplanets is that many of them have very elliptical orbits, while the planets of the solar system have much more circular orbits.


