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Middle Range Theory for Nursing, 3rd ed. '13

Smith, Mary Jane, Liehr, Patricia R.  編
価格 \21,132(税込)         

発行年月 2013年05月
出版国 アメリカ合衆国
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 paper
ページ数/巻数 458 p.
ジャンル 洋書/生命科学・医学/看護学/看護学一般
ISBN 9780826195517
商品コード 1010951213
本の性格 学術書
書評掲載誌 AJN Book of the Year Awards 2013


These theories, which lie between the working hypotheses derived from day-to-day research and the larger, systemic efforts to develop unified theories, cover the scientific underpinnings that guide nursing practice and research. This third edition of a two-time AJN Book of the Year Award contains three new theories that include cultural self-reliance, caring, and unitary appreciative inquiry. It revises and updates all other content, and provides ladders of abstraction for each theory to guide students in their appropriate use.
This highly accessible book integrates nursing theory with well-defined practice areas, identifies purpose and basic concepts, foundational literature, relationships among concepts, and use in practice. Chapters are organized by central theories, each of which is covered in depth. Comprehensive bibliographies at the end of each chapter facilitate more in-depth research.
The book remains an essential text for theory and research courses in master's and doctoral nursing programs.

