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John Cage and Peter Yates:Correspondence on Music Criticism and Aesthetics (Music since 1900) '19

Iddon, Martin  著

在庫状況 海外在庫有り  お届け予定日 1ヶ月  数量 冊 
価格 特価  \23,931(税込)         

発行年月 2019年11月
出版国 イギリス
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 hardcover
ページ数/巻数 342 p.
ジャンル 洋書/人文科学/芸術/音楽
ISBN 9781108480062
商品コード 1030468806
国件名 アメリカ合衆国イギリス
本の性格 学術書
新刊案内掲載月 2019年09月


The correspondence between composer John Cage and Peter Yates represents the third and final part of Cage's most significant exchanges of letters, following those with Pierre Boulez and with David Tudor. Martin Iddon's book is the first volume to collect the complete extant correspondence with his critical friend, thus completing the 'trilogy' of Cage correspondence published by Cambridge University Press. By bringing together more than 100 letters, beginning in 1940 and continuing until 1971, Iddon reveals the dialogue within which many of Cage's ideas were first forged and informed, with particular focus on his developing attitudes to music criticism and aesthetics. The correspondence with Yates represents precisely, in alignment with Cage's fastidious neatness, the part of his letter writing in which he engages most directly with the last part of his famous tricolon, "composing's one thing, performing's another, listening's a third".


