Through an interdisciplinary approach that shows how food can reflect a culture and time, this book whets the appetite of students for further research into history, anthropology, geography, sociology, and literature. Food is a great unifier. It is used to mark milestones or rites of passage. It is integral to the way we celebrate, connecting a familial and cultural past to the present through tradition. It bolsters the ill and soothes those in mourning. The dishes in this text are those that have come to be known within a part of the world and culture, but also have moved beyond those borders and are accessible and enjoyed by many in our ever-smaller and more-interconnected world. Featuring more than 100 recipes and detailed discussions of dishes from across the globe, Global Dishes: Favorite Meals from Around the World explores the history and cultural context surrounding some of the best known and favorite foods. The book covers national dishes from more than 100 countries, including large nations like Mexico and small countries like Macao. There is also coverage of foods beloved by indigenous peoples, such as the Sami of Scandinavia. Traditional favorites are offered as well as newer dishes. Provides readers with an understanding of why a country's national dish has such significance Includes more than 100 recipes for readers to test and enjoy Organizes dishes alphabetically within geographical regions (Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania) Includes an overview, history and origins, preparations and variations, legacy and cultural significance, recipe, and further readings section with each national dish