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Right Kind of Wrong P 368 p. 23

Edmondson, Amy  著

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発行年月 2023年09月
出版国 イギリス
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 paper
ページ数/巻数 368 p.
ジャンル 洋書
ISBN 9781847943774
商品コード 1035782283


The world's most influential business professor reveals how to overcome failure and thrive at work We all fail sometimes. But what if we could fail better? Harvard Professor Amy Edmondson is the world's most influential business expert, renowned for her transformative research into psychological safety - the notion that the most effective teams are those where people feel safe, respected and valued. Now, Edmondson shows how we can all build psychological safety into our own workplaces - by learning how to overcome and thrive through failure. Failure, Edmondson shows, is part of life. And yet all too often we get failure wrong - either beating ourselves up for our failures, or struggling to learn the right lessons from them. Here, Edmondson uncovers the three kinds of failure and explains how we should respond to each. Along the way, she draws on case studies from the likes of Google, Pixar and the Chicago Bulls to sketch out what successful failure looks like in practice- whether that's learning from the good failures, or accepting and moving on from the bad failures. The resulting book will help you overcome your flaws and succeed at work. We all fail every day. Right Kind of Wrong will help you fail better.

