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Clinical Psychology H 640 p. 09

McKay, Dean  著

価格 特価  \21,800(税込)         

発行年月 2009年03月
出版国 イギリス
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 hardcover
ページ数/巻数 640 p.
ジャンル 洋書/人文科学/心理学 /臨床心理学・精神療法
ISBN 9781405170727
商品コード 0201308540
本の性格 テキスト
新刊案内掲載月 2010年03月


Clinical Psychology: Scientific and Cultural Foundations will address the major areas associated with clinical psychology. However, unlike other texts on the market, integral to each chapter will be material related to multicultural facets of clinical practice. This will be accomplished in the following ways: First, the book will integrate perspectives from multiple cultures in every chapter. For example, in the area of intellectual assessment, a large body of literature has accumulated that documents differences in test performance depending on cultural group. Second, each chapter will provide focus boxes, wherein a specific aspect from that chapter is discussed in the context of a particular cultural group. As an illustration, the treatment of social anxiety disorder in Western cultures has particular emphasis on reducing personal embarrassment, whereas in some Eastern cultures, the focus is on how to reduce the perception that one is causing embarrassment to others rather than themselves. Third, wherever possible, commonalities among cultural groups will be discussed and contrasted, with its caveats. One area where this is evident is in the case of classical conditioning procedures for fear reduction. It appears that many of these procedures apply equally well for multiple cultural groups, but the manner of presenting these approaches in an acceptable format requires careful ethical and legal consideration. Finally, areas of controversy or bias associated with cultural differences will be critically covered. Again using intellectual assessment as an example, there has been debate about the constitutional (i.e., genetic) versus environmental influences of differences in test performance based on ethnic and cultural background. This would be discussed, with alternate empirical explanations covered that explain these differences. Clinical Psychology: Scientific and Cultural Foundations is designed to expose students to the breadth of areas associated with clinical psychology, and to provide a window into the wide diversity of professional activities of clinical psychologists A unique feature of this text will include a focus on the role of cultural diversity on the profession of clinical psychology. A large body of research has accumulated to suggest that many clinical assessment and intervention approaches must be tailored depending on cultural background. Students in advanced undergraduate seminars and beginning graduate students will benefit from this text. As an introductory textbook, it will cover disparate areas such as: theoretical approaches; assessment procedures; major approaches to interventions; formats for providing intervention (individual, group, internet); empirically supported treatments; specialties in the field of clinical psychology (i.e., neuropsychology, forensic); and ethical standards. The field of clinical psychology has undergone rapid changes in the past fifteen years. A vastly different healthcare market, changing perspectives on the pursuit of mental health care by clients, and shifts in emphasis to evidence–based treatment have converged to create a markedly different professional atmosphere. Practicing psychologists must be conversant in empirically supported treatments, clients have become more akin to consumers armed with research on the interventions they feel they require, and professional workshops focus with greater specificity on interventions that are designed to address problems presented by an increasingly diverse client base. Further, clinical psychologists have had an expanding role and now are regularly in consultative roles with medical providers as psychopharmacological approaches become integrated with psychological services. Special features: In addition to covering the core areas of clinical psychology (Foundations/History, Assessment/Measurement, Research, and Intervention), the proposed text will have the following features that distinguish it from other introductory clinical psychology textbooks on the market: Each chapter will have the basics but also emphasize multicultural and cross–cultural issues broadly defined. This will include underrepresented groups such as race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, and sexual orientation. Chapters will include “Focus Boxes” where current issues in the area are covered for specialized content. For example, the MMPI–2, a major objective personality assessment instrument, has a set of actuarial predictions associated with different profiles; however, there are some scales for the measure that are typically elevated for different ethnic or racial groups, making it a biased source of information when examining profiles of certain underrepresented groups. A focus box could highlight this issue, particularly in relation to the way treatments are designed based on this measure (or others like it). Another example of a focus box would be for comparisons of outcome for empirically supported treatment for eating disorders: cognitive–behavioral therapy compared to interpersonal psychotherapy. The chapters will include illustrative examples of how professional psychologists engage in practice for a particular chapter area, with a section called “Spotlight on an expert.” These sections will describe a well–known psychologist in the area, and when possible, describe a typical professional schedule. Each chapter will have one to three case illustrations to highlight key points. Each chapter will end with a summary of the major points, and suggested further readings. Under “Specialized Settings and Populations,” a chapter will be devoted to psychological practice in hospital and inpatient settings. The typical chapter will be structured as follows: Chapter opening with quotes relevant to the material to follow. These quotes will primarily come from leaders in the field, although where appropriate, other scientific literature. These quotes can serve several purposes. One, as a pedagogical tool, the quotes can stimulate class discussion. Two, it will provide an orientation for students as they begin to read the chapter. Three, they will provide a reference point where the author may point to departures as the reader goes deeper into the chapter. Focus boxes will appear in each chapter. As described earlier, the focus boxes will serve the purpose of providing a deeper understanding of the chapter topic by describing an issue in the area. It is expected that each chapter will have between three and five focus boxes. “In the Spotlight ” will appear at least once per chapter. As noted above, this will include a description of a well–known psychologist whose research is in the content area of the chapter. Case illustrations will appear in each chapter. These will include examples of assessment profiles and the expected outcomes; cases from different major theoretical orientations in therapy; and illustrations in specialization areas. Conclusions and a summary of key points will round out each chapter. Here, key terms will be re–presented with brief definitions, and other main ideas from the chapter will be summarized. Annotated suggestions for further reading will be provided. Typically these will be frequently cited sources that formed the foundation of the chapter, and where appropriate, sources that take the reader into greater depth on the content. An instructors’ manual and test bank would be developed to accompany the text. The instructors’ manual would include exercises for class demonstration as well as outline the major areas of the text. The test bank would include multiple–choice questions (with answers) and recommended essay questions.


