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Principles of Investments P 616 p. 13

Bodie, Zvi, Drew, Michael, Basu, Anup, Kane, Alex, Marcus, Alan J.  著

価格 \-         

発行年月 2013年06月
出版国 オーストラリア
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 paper
ページ数/巻数 616 p.
ジャンル 洋書/社会科学/経済学/金融経済学
ISBN 9780071012386
商品コード 1013203918
本の性格 テキスト
新刊案内掲載月 2013年08月


Principles of Investments by Bodie, Drew, Basu, Kane and Marcus emphasises asset allocation while presenting the practical applications of investment theory. The authors concentrate on the intuition and insights that will be useful to students throughout their careers as new ideas and challenges emerge from the financial marketplace. It provides a good foundation to understand the basic types of securities and financial markets as well as how trading in those markets is conducted. The Portfolio Management section is discussed towards the end of the course and supported by a web-based portfolio simulation with a hypothetical $100,000 brokerage account to buy and sell stocks and mutual funds. Students get a chance to use real data found in the Wall Street Survivor simulation in conjunction with the chapters on investments. This site is powered by StockTrak, the leading provider of investment simulation services to the academic community. Principles of Investments includes increased attention to changes in market structure and trading technology. The theory is supported by a wide range of exercises, worksheets and problems.


