Tadashi Kotake

Aldred's Wanderings between Literal and Free Renderings: Some Manuscript Evidence

Manabu Agari

New Compositors at Work in Caxton's Malory

Ernest P. Rufleth

Courting Disaster: Hunting and Wooing in Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis

Josua Petitto

The Japanese Actionist Literary Movement and the Spark of the Fascist Sublime


Mary Fairclough

Electrical Science and Della Cruscan Poetics in the 1790s

Richard Adelman

Keats and the Sociability of Idle Contemplation

Matthew Sangster

British Institutions, Literary Production and National Glory in the Romatic Period

Nahoko Miyamoto Alvey

The Artistry of Connection: Shelleyan Ottava Rima in "Hymn to Mercury" and "The Witch of Atlas"

Yorimichi Kasahara

P. B. Shelley, terza rima, and Italy: Con-fusion of Voices, Persons, and Poetic Forms

Tomoko Nakagawa

Naming the Unnameable: Monstrosity and Personification in the First Japanese Translation of Frankenstein and its Illustrations

Matthew Mewhinney

British Romanticism in Classical Chinese: The Pastoral in Natsume Soseki's Kanshi



COLOURS, HUES, SHADES, AND TINTS: how subtle were the Anglo-Saxons when they recorded what they saw?


Wonders of the East and Natural History


Rationalising Alterity: Medieval Welsh Crusading Discourse


Scribes, Sources, and Readers: Using a Digital Edition to Develop Understanding of the Beowulf Manuscript


Middle English Verse Romances: Manuscripts and Authorship


Saint Aethelthryth of Ely and the Making of a National Saint in a Fifteenth-Century South English Legendary Manuscript


"Here Sir Gawayne Slew Sir Vwayne His Cousyn Germayne": Field's Alteration on Malory's Morte Darthur



Four Men in a Boat: Dryden, D'Avenant, Shadwell, Locke and The Tempest


"Y'are welcome to the downfal of the Stage": Charles Killigrew and the Demise of the King's Company, 1677-1682


"Armed with the tomahawk and scalping-knife": William Kenrick versus Samuel Johnson


Two Ways of Being Wise: Shakespeare and the Johnsonian Montaigne


Shakespeare's "Scenes of Enchantment" and Johnson's Criticism


Representing Female Sexuality on the Victorian Stage: William Poel's 1892 Production of John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi


Saeko Yoshikawa

Coleridge, Edward Thomas and Englishness: Poetry of Contemplation

Fiona Tomkinson

Iris Murdoch's Coleridge: Between Violence and Contemplation

Leesa S. Davis

Contemplation as Philosophical Practice: "reason in the sphere of the understanding"

Emily Holman

Contemplation as a Mode of Knowing: Leavis and Literary Analysis

Setsuko Wake-Naota

Contemplating Genius: Coleridge on Shakespeare

Eamonn Wall

Coleridge: Walking, Contemplation, Writing

Akiko Sonoda

Walking and Contemplating in the Magnetic Field: Thoreau's "Walking" and Coleridge's Polar Logic


Atsushi Ajiro

Sharon Turner, a Historian of Anglo-Saxon England and Beowulf

E. G. Stanley

The Brothers Grimm and Anglo-Saxon Language and Poetry

Porter White

Coedmon after Junius: Three Nineteenth-Century Editorial Encounters

M. J. Toswell

Anna Gurney: The Unknown Victorian Medievalist

Haruko Momma

The Newly-Found Kemble Notebook and an Old English Hildebrandslied: A Mirror of the New Philology in the 1830s

Daniel F. Kenneally
and Jane Roberts

Oswald Cockayne (c.1808-1873): Clerk in Orders, Schoolmaster, Scholar

Tsukusu Ito

News from Eastern Lands on Northern Languages: Notes on a Japano-Anglo-Saxon Library


E. G. Stanley


Michiko Ogura

Pronoun Retention in Old and Middle English Relative Clauses

Chiaki Hanabusa

Notes on the Additions to The Spanish Tragedy (1602)

Kazuaki Ota

Edward III and Statistical Attribution Studies

Atsuhiko Hirota

A Devil Monk's Prophecy and the Archbishop's Encomium: Collaborative Representations of Witchcraft in Henry VIII

Martin Fashbaugh

The Most "Novelistic" and Lyrical of Emotions: Jealousy and Narrative-Poetic Interplay in Robert browning's "Andrea del Sarto"


Natalia I. Petrovskaia

Charlemagne, the Idol of Cadiz and Twelfth-Century Political Prophecy

Tsuyoshi Mukai

William Bonde's Dyrectory of conscyence and Pylgrimage of perfection: A 'co-ordinated programme of publication' at Syon Abbey

Satoko Tokunaga

William Caxton and 'Englishing' the Legenda aurea

Ann M. Hutchison

Syon Abbey: Writing for the Faithful

Miwako Takahashi

Textual Cabinets of Curiosities: The Culture of Collecting in Early Modern English Texts

Martin Ingram

Shame in English Culture from Shakespeare to Jane Austen

Samantha Rayner

Penguin and the "Shipwrecked Malory Project"


David Pearson

Provenance revisited

Emily Ulrich

Reconceptualizing The Nuneaton Codex: Cambridge FitzWilliam Museum, McClean 123

Martha W. Driver

The curious case of a de Worde edition in the Morgan Library & Museum

Richard A. Linenthal

The last abbots' books: Tewkesbury and Hailes

Ed Potten

A mendicant pharmacopeia?: Robert Edward Hart's copy of the 1485 Gart der Gesundheit

H. R. Woudhuysen

Some early collectors and owners of Samuel Johnson's books and manuscripts

Christopher Edwards

Samuel Johnson's Rasselas: two presentation copies

Kathryn James

Provenance as poetic faith: John Payne Collier and accounts of literary discovery

Robert Harding

‘Scraps of insignificant scribbling’: The Rev. Dr. Thomas Raffles and a lost book from the library of Lady Anne Clifford, Countess of Pembroke

Koichi Yukishima

The Mansbridge copy of the Cambridge edition of Baskerville's Bible

A. S. G. Edwards

On the cusp of change: The 1969 Bibliographical Society Gold Medal award


A. S. G. Edwards

Strength in Numbers: The Beinecke and Takamiya Collections Together

Takami Matsuda

A Small Didactic Florilegium in MS Takamiya 15

Michael P. Kuczynski

A Bird Psalter Fragment in the Beinecke Takamiya Collection

Martha W. Driver

The Mind of a Collector: Patterns, Themes and Takamiya MS 133

Peter Murray Jones

Experimenta, compilation and construction in two medieval books

Julia Boffey

Beinecke 494 and Late Medieval Chronicle Readers in London

John J. Thompson

Love Reading?

Aditi Nafde

Manuscripts Copied from Printed Books now in the Beinecke Library

Simon Horobin

Middle English Scribes and Guildhall Clerks: A Reassessment


Language, Literature and Culture of Old and Middle English
In Memory of Ian Kirby and Jacek Fisiak

Daniel Donoghue

Teaching Old Dictionaries New Tricks: Using Digital Resources to Track the Old English Lexicon

Jane Roberts

The Royal Psalter: Reading the Whole Book

Richard North

Lady Æthelflæd and the Danelaw in the West Saxon Judith

Michiko Ogura

To die, to be dead, to be lifeless or unliving, and to be killed in Old and Early Middle English

Taro Ishiguro

Parentheses in Old English Poems

Emily V. Thornbury

Ornaments to Dazzle the Ear: Hypermetric Verses in the Old English Dream of the Rood and Judith

Hans Sauer

The Middle English Romance Richard Coer de Lyon and Its Use of Binomials

Claire Vial

The Bestiary of Conquest in Richard Coer de Lyon

Javier Martín Arista

Old English Rejoice Verbs. Derivation, Grammatical Behaviour and Class Membership


The Visual Turn in Romantic and Victorian Studies in Britain and Japan (95)

Steve Clark

Introduction: 19th Century Visual Culture in Britain and Japan

David Chandler

“Truth and Nature”: Greening the Lake District and Championing Richard Wilson in Charles Dibdin’s Observations on a Tour (1802)

Mei-Ying Sung

The Curious Visual Representations of the Dance of Death

Tomoko Nakagawa

Anglo-Japanese Visual Encounters in 1889: Kipling, Alfred East and the Frankenstein Illustrators

Ian Haywood


Martin Fashbaugh

Jealous Dynamics: Jealousy and Narrative-Lyric Interplay in the Victorian Verse Novel

Tsz Ting Yan

Making a Self of the Other: Thomas De Quincey’s Oriental-Phobia and the Anxiety of Self-Representation

Yuri Fuwa

Making Malory “Readable” in the Victorian Period: Frederick James Furnivall and Sir Edward Strachey

Neil Addison

Both Exquisite and Grotesque: Oscar Wilde and the Aesthetics of Evolution


The Legacy of the Malory Debate: Malory scholarship in Japan

Masako Takagi

Cadwaladr’s Prophecy upon Henry Tudor: “but as a Conquerour come forth thy self”

Satoko Tokunaga

Le Morte Darthur in Fifteenth-Century European Book History

Akinobu Tani

Malory’s Phraseology: A Preliminary Attempt of Analyzing E-texts Based on Field (2017)

Hiroki Okamoto

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in Malory’s Template: “Finding Time for Romance” in Modern Arthuriana

Yuri Fuwa

Title matters: From Caxton to Joseph Haslewood; colophons, titles, and editions of Malory’s Morte Darthur

Masahiko Agari

Epic for Man’s Spiritual Navigation

Michiko Ogura

Old Norse and Old French Borrowings as Non-alliterating Words with special reference to Laӡamon’s Brut
