The East Asian Challenge for Human Rights. hardcover 523 p.
Preface; Part I: 1. Introduction; Part II. Critical Perspectives on the'Asian Values' Debate: 2. A post-Orientalist defense of liberaldemocracy for Asia Tatsuo Inoue; 3. Human rights and Asian values JackDonnelly; 4. Human rights and economic achievements Amartya Sen; PartIII. Toward a More Inclusive International Regime: 5. Towards anintercivilizational approach to human rights Yasuaki Onuma; 6.Conditions of an unforced consensus on human rights Charles Taylor;Part IV. Culture and Human Rights: 7. The cultural mediation of humanrights: the Al-Arqam case in Malaysia Abdullahi An-Na'im; 8. Groundinghuman rights Arguments in Non-Western Culture: Shari'a and thecitizenship rights of women in a modern Islamic nation-state NoraniOthman; 9. Looking to Buddhism to turn back Thai prostitution inSoutheast Asia Suwanna Satha-Anand; 10. A Confucian perspective onhuman rights Joseph Chan; Part V. Economic Development and HumanRights: 11. Rights, social justice and globalization in East Asia YashGhai; 12. Economic development, legal reform, and rights in Singaporeand Taiwan Kevin Y. L. Tan; 13. Human rights issues in China's internalmigration: insights from comparisons with Germany and Japan DorothySolinger; 14. The anti-nuclear-power movement and the rise of rightsconsciousness in Taiwan Mab Huang; 15. The applicability of theinternational legal concept of 'Indigenous Peoples' in Asia BenedictKingsbury; Notes; Tables.