Geochemistry:An Introduction, 2nd ed. '09
Albarède, Francis 著
Foreword to the English edition; Foreword to the French edition;Introduction; 1. The properties of elements; 2. Mass conservation andelemental fractionation; 3. Fractionation of stable isotopes; 4.Geochronology and radiogenic tracers; 5. Element transport; 6. Geochemicalsystems; 7. The chemistry of natural waters; 8. Biogeochemistry; 9.Environments; 10. Mineral reactions; 11. The solid Earth; 12. The geochemicalvariability of magmas; 13. The Earth in the Solar System; 14. The elementbarn; Appendix A. Composition of the major geological units; Appendix B. Themixing equation for ratios; Appendix C. A refresher on thermodynamics;Appendix D. The geological time scale; Appendix E. An overview of analyticalmethods; Appendix F. Physical and geophysical constants; Appendix G. Someequations relative to residence time; Index.