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Internet of Things '14

Holler, Jan, Tsiatsis, Vlasios, Mulligan, Catherine, Karnouskos, Stamatis, Avesand, Stefan, Boyle, David  著

在庫状況 海外在庫有り  お届け予定日 20日間  数量 冊 
価格 \25,932(税込)         

発行年月 2014年04月
出版国 イギリス
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 hardcover
ページ数/巻数 352 p., Illustrated
ジャンル 洋書/理工学/電気電子工学/通信・電波工学
ISBN 9780124076846
商品コード 1011947323
本の性格 学術書


The book outlines the background and overall vision for the Internet of Things (IoT) and M2M communications and services, including major standards. Key technologies are described: everything from physical instrumentation devices to the cloud infrastructures used to collect data, derive information and map it to current processes, as well as system architectures and regulatory requirements. Real world service use case studies provide the hands-on knowledge needed to successfully develop and implement M2M and IoT technologies sustainably and profitably. Finally, the future vision for M2M technologies is described, including prospective changes in relevant standards. Key technologies and standards explained: The M2M and IoT services space includes technologies from the perspective of several technology sectors, namely IT, Telecom and Urban Planning. These sectors contain a vast number of potential technologies among which a handful of them are important and relevant for the problem at hand. This book provides a handy reference for all parties involved in the selection, development and integration of such technologies. Use Case Examples: detailed description of several use cases showcasing the exact way individual components are combined to create a desirable solution. These use cases cover several aspects of M2M and IoT problems spaces. Design Guidelines: A list of key design features are described for the creation of viable technical solutions. Written by Experts: The book is written by experts in the technology and business aspects of Machine-to-Machine communication, and who have experience of implementing M2M systems. End to end view of economies of scale: The book presents the problem and solution in an end- to -end fashion providing both technical and business insights.


