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【MeL】Introduction to management 13th ed., international student version

Jr., Schermerhorn, John R., Bachrach, Daniel G.  著

    数量 冊 
価格 \32,670(税込)         


発行年月 2015年04月
言語 英語
媒体 電子
ページ数/巻数 544 p.
ジャンル 和書
商品コード 1028973806


We’ve got you covered for your Principles of Management course with Schermerhorn/Bachrach, Introduction to Management 13th Edition. With new cases, more opportunities for self-assessment and the Management Weekly Updates news blog, the text and its comprehensive suite of resources promote critical thinking and active learning. Thoroughly updated while maintaining its trusted balance of concepts and applications, Introduction to Management 13th Edition presents the most current material to apply theory and show relevance of management concepts in the real world—for students to succeed in your management course and beyond. New to This Edition - New Co-author: Joining the 13th Edition, Dr. Daniel G. Bachrach, Associate Professor of Management at the University of Alabama contributed his research and teaching expertise to several chapters in Part 5: Leading, as well as numerous other features throughout the text. - Timely content – All chapters have been updated, with new examples and expanded coverage of topics like social responsibility, sustainability, ethics in global management, new venture funding, data mining and analytics, downsides of goals, employment issues and controversies, followership and leadership, emotion and mood contagion, and team virtuousness. - Student Engagement – Each feature is designed to attract student attention and engage them in reflection and critical thinking. These include Analysis – Make Data your Friend, Ethics – Know Right from Wrong, Insight – Learn About Yourself, and Wisdom – Learn from Role Models.


