【グリーンフィールド・神経病理学 第10版 全2巻】
Greenfield's Neuropathology 10e Set, 10th ed. '24
Volume One. Section 1: General Pathology of the Nervous System. Diseases of brain synapses and neuronal architecture. Astrocyte functions in health and disease. Oligodendrocytes. Microglia. Ependymal cells and choroid plexus. Cellular inclusions and artefacts. Basic Pathophysiology. Section 2: Cerebrovascular Disorders.Vascular disease, hypoxia and consequences. Section 3: Developmental Neuropathology and Metabolic Disorders. Normal development of the nervous system. Acquired disorders of childhood. Malformations. Metabolic and degenerative disorders of childhood. Lysosomal disorders. Peroxisomal disorders Section 4: Epilepsy.Epilepsy pathology. Section 5: Neuroinflammatory Disorders Multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating conditions. Other immune-related disorders affecting the nervous system.Section 6: Neurodegenerative disorders.Neurodegenerative diseases: classification. Pathogenesis and concepts. Movement disorders. Degenerative ataxic disorders. Motor neuron disorders. Cognitive decline. Neurodegenerative proteinopathies: PrP proteinopathies. Neurodegenerative proteinopathies: Alzheimer’s disease (A-beta and Tau proteinopathy). Neurodegenerative proteinopathies: Synuclein proteinopathies. Neurodegenerative proteinopathies:Tau proteinopathies. Neurodegenerative proteinopathies: TDP-43 proteinopathies. Neurodegenerative proteinopathies: FUS/FET proteinopathies. Neurodegenerative proteinopathies: Trinucleotide repeat disorders. Miscellaneous proteinopathies and neurodegenerative conditions. Ageing-related pathologies of the brain. Mixed pathologies of the ageing and neurodegenerating brain.Diagnostic approach to the neuropathology of neurodegenerative diseases Volume Two. Section 7:Mitochondrial, Nutritional and Toxic Disorders. Mitochondrial disorders. Nutritional and toxic disorders Section 8:Infections of the Nervous System.Viral infections of the nervous system. Bacterial, fungal, protozoal and parasitic infections of the nervous system. Section 9: Neurotrauma. The Neuropathology of Traumatic Brain Injury. Section 10: Neuro-oncology. Introduction to tumours. Adult-type diffuse gliomas. Paediatric-type diffuse gliomas. Circumscribed astrocytic gliomas. Glioneuronal and neuronal tumours. Ependymal tumours. Choroid plexus tumours. Embryonal tumours. Pineal tumours. Tumours of the peripheral nerves. Meningiomas. Mesenchymal non-meningothelial tumours. Germ cell tumours. Melanocytic tumours. Lymphomas and haematopoietic neoplasms. Pituitary and suprasellar tumours. Cysts and tumour-like conditions. Metastatic disease. Hereditary tumour syndromes. CNS reactions to anti-neoplastic therapies. Section 11: Neuromuscular Disorders. Peripheral nerve pathology. Skeletal muscle disorders. Section 12: Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Pathology of psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders.