【Jones, Sufrin EU競争法 第8版】
Jones & Sufrin's EU Competition Law:Text, Cases & Materials, 8th ed. (Text, Cases, and Materials) '23
Sufrin, Brenda,
Dunne, Niamh,
Jones, Alison
発行年月 |
2023年08月 |
出版社/提供元 |
Oxford University Press |
出版国 |
イギリス |
言語 |
英語 |
媒体 |
冊子 |
装丁 |
paper |
ページ数/巻数 |
1344 p. |
ジャンル |
洋書/社会科学/法学/経済法 |
9780192855015 |
商品コード |
1035844263 |
国件名 |
本の性格 |
学術書 |
新刊案内掲載月 |
2023年04月 |
商品URL | https://kw.maruzen.co.jp/ims/itemDetail.html?itmCd=1035844263 |
The complete guide to EU competition law, combining key primary sources with expert author commentary. The most comprehensive resource for students on EU competition law; extracts from key cases, academic works, and legislation are paired with incisive critique and commentary from an expert author team Selling Points- · Full, definitive coverage of every aspect of EU competition law - the complete guide to the subject · Students are guided through the most important extracts from key cases, articles, and statutory material, all carefully selected and explained by this experienced author team · 'Central Issues' at the start of each chapter clearly identify key themes and principles discussed, to help readers navigate the material effectively · Extensive footnoting and further reading suggestions provide a thorough guide to the literature, giving students a starting point for their own research and reading New to this edition- · Full analysis of important developments in competition law and policy since 2019, including relevant case-law, new EU legislation and notices and competition law goals; · A comprehensive discussion of the evolving law and policy governing market definition and vertical, horizontal cooperation and sustainability agreements; · A new chapter on competition law in the digital economy, incorporating a discussion of the Digital Markets Act.