
Psychological Perspectives of Helplessness and Control in the Elderly(Advances in Psychology) p. 88(電子版/PDF)1988年刊

Fry, P.S.  編
価格 \15,171(税込)         
発行年月 1988年01月
出版国 オランダ
言語 英語
ファイル形式 PDF
ページ数/巻数 xxiv, 442 p.
ジャンル 洋書
ISBN 9780080867113
商品コード 1003005523
本の性格 学術書


The past few years have witnessed widespread acceptance of the notion that few elderly individuals are willing to stand by silently in the process of growing, and to relinquish whatever actual controls, autonomy or control beliefs they had in the past. Increasingly, old age is viewed as the dynamics of growth in mastery, control and self-efficacy, on the one hand, and a relative decline in psychological and physical resources on the other. It is the intent of this volume to communicate both aspects of these changes, and to offer a comprehensive review of the cross-fertilization of the field of gerontology and the psychology of reactance, freedom and control. Leading psychologists and social science researchers from the United States, Canada and Europe give their views on the meaning and application of control-related constructs having specific implications for the field of human aging. They address themselves to one or more of the major themes, issues or concerns which currently figure in discussions of control beliefs and control constructs as they apply to aging and old age.Written primarily for scholars, researchers and developmental theorists interested in the complexities and generativity of control constructs and their applications for the psychological well-being of older adults, the data and issues presented will be equally informative to gero-psychologists and mental health professionals concerned with healthy adaptive functioning of the elderly.
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