

Inside Jokes:Using Humor to Reverse-Engineer the Mind '13

Hurley, Matthew M., Dennett, Daniel C., Jr., Reginald B. Ada  著

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発行年月 2013年02月
The MIT Press
出版国 アメリカ合衆国
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 paper
ページ数/巻数 374 p.
ジャンル 洋書/人文科学/認知科学/認知心理学
ISBN 9780262518697
商品コード 1011807747
新刊案内掲載月 2013年03月


Some things are funny -- jokes, puns, sitcoms, Charlie Chaplin, The Far Side, Malvolio with his yellow garters crossed -- but why? Why does humor exist in the first place? Why do we spend so much of our time passing on amusing anecdotes, making wisecracks, watching The Simpsons? In Inside Jokes, Matthew Hurley, Daniel Dennett, and Reginald Adams offer an evolutionary and cognitive perspective. Humor, they propose, evolved out of a computational problem that arose when our long-ago ancestors were furnished with open-ended thinking. Mother Nature -- aka natural selection -- cannot just order the brain to find and fix all our time-pressured misleaps and near-misses. She has to bribe the brain with pleasure. So we find them funny. This wired-in source of pleasure has been tickled relentlessly by humorists over the centuries, and we have become addicted to the endogenous mind candy that is humor.