High Performance Computing - HiPC 2005 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3769)

Bader, David A., Parashar, Manish, Sridhar, V., Prasanna, Viktor K.  編
在庫状況 海外在庫有り  お届け予定日 1ヶ月 
価格 \13,176(税込)         
発行年月 2005年12月
Springer-Verlag GmbH
出版国 ドイツ
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 paper
ページ数/巻数 XXVIII, 552 p.
ジャンル 洋書/理工学/数学/応用数学
ISBN 9783540309369
商品コード 0200543236
本の性格 議事録


to acknowledge the dedicated effort put forth by the Vice-Chairs: Michael A. Bender (Algorithms), Zhiwei Xu (Applications), Jose ´ Duato (Architecture),M. Cristina Pinotti (Communication Networks), and Satoshi Matsuoka (System Software). Without their help and timely work, the quality of this program would not be as high nor would the process have run so smoothly. I thank the other organizers who have contributed to assembling this program, - cludingthose who organizedthe keynotes,tutorials, workshops,awards, poster session, industry exhibits, and those who performed the administrative functions that have been essential to the success of this conference. The work of Sushil K. Prasad in putting - gethertheconferenceproceedingsisalsoacknowledged,aswell asthesupportprovided by Kamesh Madduri and Vaddadi Chandu, Ph.D. students at Georgia Institute of Te- nology,and Vipin Sachdeva,M.S. student at the Universityof New Mexico, in assisting with the EDAS online paper submission and evaluation software. Last, but certainly not least, I express heart-felt thanks to our General Co-chairs, Manish Parashar and V. Sridhar; Steering Chair, Viktor Prasanna; and to the Vice-General Chair, Rajendra V. Boppana; for all their useful advice. Lastly, I thank the Conference General Co-chairs for allowing me to serve our c- munity as the Program Chair of this high-quality international conference. It has been my pleasure to correspond with so many of you, and I personally welcome you to Goa.
