

A History of Russian Law(Law in Eastern Europe Vol. 66) hardcover XX, 1098 p. 17

Feldbrugge, Ferdinand J. M.  著

在庫状況 お取り寄せ  お届け予定日 1ヶ月 
価格 特価  \94,523(税込)         
発行年月 2017年10月
M. Nijhoff
出版国 オランダ
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 hardcover
ページ数/巻数 XX, 1098 p.
ジャンル 洋書/社会科学/法学/法制史
ISBN 9789004346420
商品コード 1024951840
本の性格 学術書
新刊案内掲載月 2017年10月


List of Abbreviations
List of Maps
Part 1: The Middle Ages (until 1497)
1 General Introduction
The Purpose of This Work
The Definition of Law
The Organization of This Work
General History and History of Law
Medieval Law
An Outline of the ‘Constitutional’ History of Russia During the Era of the Independent Principalities
State and Law During the Era of the Independent Principalities
Section 1: Sources
2 Sources
The Concept of Sources
The Merilo Pravednoe
The Knigi Zakonnye
Foreign Sources for the Prehistory of Russian Law
Publication of Texts, Literature, Bibliography
3 The Treaties with Byzantium: The Zakon Russkii
The Treaties with Byzantium
The Treaty of 907
The Treaty of 911
The Treaty of 944
The Treaty of 971
The Zakon Russkii
4 The Russkaia Pravda or Russian Law
History of the Study of the Russkaia Pravda
The Different Versions of the Russkaia Pravda
The Division of the Russkaia Pravda into Articles
The Short Pravda: Introduction
The Short Pravda: The Pravda of Iaroslav
The Sources of Iaroslav’s Pravda
The Pravda of Iaroslav’s Sons
The Final Compilation of the Short Pravda
5 The Russkaia Pravda: The Expanded Pravda
The Expanded Pravda: Introduction
The Codicology of the Expanded Pravda
The Composition of the Expanded Pravda
The Relationship Between the Short Pravda and the Expanded Pravda
The Statute of Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh
The Final Compilation of the Expanded Pravda
Foreign Sources for the Russkaia Pravda?
The Abridged Version of the Russkaia Pravda
6 Princely Statutes
The Church Statute of St. Vladimir
The Church Statute of Iaroslav the Wise
The Statute of Vsevolod on Church Courts and People and on Trade Measures
The Testament of Vsevolod Mstislavich (Rukopisanie)
The Statute of Sviatoslav Ol’govich of 1137
The Smolensk Charters of Rostislav Mstislavich and Bishop Manuil
The Church Statute of Lev Danilovich of Galicia of 1301
Church-State Relations in 14th and 15th Centuries Texts
7 Treaties
Treaties: Internal Russian Treaties
Treaties with Foreign Powers
Selected Examples and Special Categories
The Treaty of 1229 between Mstislav Davydovich of Smolensk and Riga and the Gothic Coast
The Treaty between the ‘Unknown Prince’ of Smolensk and Riga and the Gothic Coast
The 1269 Treaty between Novgorod and the Hanseatic League
The Novgorod-Tver’ Treaties
The Peace Treaty of 1318 between Moscow and Novgorod and Tver’
8 Town and Provincial Charters
The Charter of Dvina Land
The Court Charter of Pskov
The Charter of Novgorod
Iaroslav’s Law on Bridges
The Charters of Belo Ozero
The Metropolitan’s Justice
9 The Code (Sudebnik) of Ivan iii of 1497
The Homicide Law of Vasilii ii the Blind
The Code of Ivan iii: Introduction and Historiography
The Numbering of the Articles of the Code
The Contents of the Code
General Historical Background and Character of the Code
The Sources for the Code of 1497
Legal Significance of the Code of 1497
10 Foreign Laws
The Impact of Byzantine Law
The Court Law for the People (Zakon Sudnyi liudem)
The Skra of Novgorod
The Iasa of Chingis-Khan and the Impact of Mongol-Tatar Rule on Russian Law
The Legal Environment of Medieval Russian Law
Rurikid Marriages as an Indication of Political and Cultural Contacts
11 Non-Legislative (Non-Normative) Legal Sources: Gramoty
Sources and Historiography before 1917
Sources and Historiography after 1917
Classification of Documents
Alphabetical Dictionary of Gramoty
Documents and Collections Other Than Gramoty
Pistsovye and razriadnye knigi
Novgorod Birch-Bark Documents
The Iarlyki of the Tatar Khans
Section 2: The Law
12 Setting the Stage: Territory and Tribes in Early Kievan Russia
The Physical Stage of Early Russian History
The Eastern Slav Tribes in the 10th Century
Russia’s Multi-Ethnic Past in Ancient Times
The Emergence and First Expansion of the Early Russian State
The Dynasty of Rurik
The Socio-Economic Nature of Kievan Russia: The Feudalism Debate
The Viking Question
Tribute and Inter-Tribal Relationships in Early Kievan Russia
Territory: A Postscript
13 The Prince in Medieval Russia
Relations between Princes: Succession and Treaties - Introductory Observations
The Viking Origins of the House of Rurik
The Succession History According to the Primary Chronicle - A Brief Survey
The General Principles of Princely Succession
The Grand Princely Dignity
Relations between Princes: Wills and Treaties
Princely Rule: Succession, Popular Assent, Mongol-Tatar Validation
The Office and Function of the Prince
The Prince’s Court and Officials in Kievan Times
14 The Prince’s Government
The Prince’s Government
The Expansion of Princely Administration in Later Centuries
General Taxation
The Prince as Judge
The Prince as Legislator
External Relations: Diplomacy and War
15 The Towns
The Origin of Russian Towns
Town Government and the Veche in Particular
External Relations: Treaties with Princes and Foreign Powers
The Urban Population
The Legal Framework of the Urban Economy
16 Novgorod and Pskov
IVelikii Novgorod
IIIA Note on Viatka-Khlynov
17 Western Russia
Historical Introduction
The Law of the Lithuanian Principality and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
18 Rural Russia
Land Tenure and Land Ownership
Large-Scale Land Ownership - Feudalism?
Princes as Landowners
Boyars and Other Landowners
Landowning by the Church and Monasteries
Peasant Landowning
The Peasant Population in Later Centuries
Transactions Concerning Land
Local Government
19 The Individual and the Family
The Legal Status of the Individual
Legal Classes
The Individual as a Family Member
20 The Individual as a Legal Actor
21 The Church and Monasteries
Church and State
The Organization of the Church
Church Jurisdiction
Other Sources of Church Income
Landowning by the Church
22 Courts and Justice
Secular and Church Courts
Procedure in the Russkaia Pravda
Procedure in Novgorod and Pskov
Criminal Law
Court Fees and Related Payments
Part 2: Muscovy (until 1649)
23 Introduction
The Law of the Principality of Muscovy
The Reforms of Ivan iv
Section 1: Sources
24 The Code (Sudebnik) of Ivan iv of 1550
Introduction and Historiography
General Historical Background and Character of the Code
The Contents of the Code of 1550
In Conclusion
25 The Stoglav
Legal Relevance of the Stoglav
The Enactment of the Stoglav
The Contents of the Stoglav
26 The Codes of 1589 and 1606-1607
The Code of 1589: Introduction
The Contents of the Short and the Expanded Redactions
The Relationship between the Two Redactions and the Character and Sources of the Code of 1589
The Composite Code of 1606-1607
27 The Statute Books of the Prikazy
The Statute Books of the Brigandage Department
The Statute Book of the Slavery Department
The Statute Book of the Department for the City of Moscow
The Statute Book of the Department of Roads
The Statute Books of the Land Department
28 Decisions of the Land Assembly (Zemskii Sobor)
The Resolutions of 15 January 1580 and 20 July 1584
The Resolution of 9 March 1607
The Resolution of 30 June 1611
29 The Council Code (Sobornoe Ulozhenie) of Aleksei Mikhailovich of 1649
Historical Background
Preparation and Enactment
Overview of the Contents
The Follow-up: Novellae or Novoukaznye stat’i
section 2: The Law
30 The Tsar
The Title of Tsar
Autocracy and Public Law
The Tsar’s Court
31 The Tsar’s Government
A Boyar Duma?
In Conclusion
The Land Assembly (Zemskii Sobor)
The Administration
Lower Officials
The Army
32 Territory and Population
The Growth of the Principality of Moscow
Muscovy and Western Russia
33 Local Government
Kormlenie as the Basis of the Traditional System
The Reforms of Ivan iv
The Abolition of Kormlenie
34 Criminal Law and Procedure
Criminal Law in the Codes of Ivan iii (1497) and Ivan iv (1550)
The Guba and Land Charters
Criminal Law in the Council Code (Sobornoe Ulozhenie) of 1649
Criminal Law and the Church; Offences against Morals
Criminal Procedure
35 Civil Law: Persons
The Legal Status of the Individual: Men and Women
Legal Classes
The Sovereign and His Family
Boyars and Other High Nobles
Lesser Nobles: Boyars’ Sons and Dvoriane
Clergy and Church People
Townspeople in Moscow and Elsewhere
Legal Persons
36 Civil Law: Ownership and Obligations
Ownership of Land
37 Civil Law: Family Law and Succession
The Family
Relations between Spouses
Dissolution of Marriage
Parents and Children
Inheritance and Succession
38 Courts and Justice; Civil Procedure
Courts in the Period after the Sudebnik of Ivan iii of 1497
Courts in the Council Code (Sobornoe Ulozhenie) of Tsar Aleksei of 1649
Court Officials
Civil Procedure
39 The Church, Monasteries, and Church Law
Church-State Relations in Muscovy
The Organization of the Church
Church Legislation
Church Jurisdiction
Appendix 1 Money and Measurements
The Monetary System of Medieval Russia
Appendix 2 Genealogies
Glossary of Russian Terms
Index of Personal Names
Index of Geographical Names
Subject Index