Corporate Governance Regimes:Convergence and Diversity '02
1. Introduction; 2. THE CASE AGAINST GLOBAL CROSS REFERENCE; 3. Toward aSingle Model of Corporate Law?; 4. Convergence and its Critics: What are thePreconditions to the Separation of Ownership and Control?; 5. PoliticalPreconditions to Separating Ownership from Control; 6. Putting Britain on theRoe Map: The Emergence of the Berle-Means Corporation in the United Kingdom;7. COMMON PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN EUROPE?; 8. The 13th TakeoverDirective and the Williams Act; 9. Convergence or Divergence in CorporateGovernance Patterns in Western Europe?; 10. PREDICTION OF CONTROLCONCENTRATION IN GERMAN AND UK INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERINGS; 11. Who ControlsGerman Corporations?; 12. Complete Separation of Ownership and Control: theStructure Regime and Other Defensive Mechanisms in the Netherlands; 13. SharePrice Reactions to CEO Resignations and Large Shareholder Monitoring inListed French Companies; 14. HOW DO FINANCIAL SYSTEMS AFFECT ECONOMICPERFORMANCE?; 15. Law and Equity Markets: A Simple Model; 16. InvestorDominance and Strategic Transparency: on the Role of Corporate Governance forProduct and Capital Market Competition; 17. Corporate Governance: Effects onFirm Performance and Economic Growth; 18. THE VALUE OF A VOTE IN THE MARKETFOR CORPORATE CONTROL: CANADIAN EVIDENCE; 19. Managerial Disciplining and theMarket for (Partial) Corporate Control in the UK; 20. A Comparison of Englishand American Bankruptcy Procedures; 21. Reorganization Law and DilutionThreats in Different Financial Systems; 22. Using Options to Divide Value inCorporate Bankruptcy; 23. LESS IS MORE; MAKING SHAREHOLDER ACTIVISM A VALUEDMECHANISM OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE; 24. Unpacking the 'Interest-holders' in aShare: Making Voting Easier for Institutional Shareholders; 25. InstitutionalShareholders and Corporate Governance: the Case of UK Pension Funds; 26.STOCK-BASED EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION; 27. Cash-Based Executive Compensation inSpain and the UK; 28. Employee Stock Option Grants and Firm Performance inthe Netherlands