The Economics of Contracts:Theories and Applications '02
Part I. Introduction: 1 Economics of contracts and renewal of economicanalysis Eric Brousseau and Jean -Michel Glachant; Appendix: Canonical modelsof three different theories of contract M'hand Fares; Part II. Contracts,Organizations and Institutions: 2. The new institutional economics RonaldCoase; 3. Contract and economic organization Oliver Williamson; 4. The roleof incomplete contracts in self-enforcing relationships Benjamin Klein; 5.Entrepreneurship, transaction costs and the design of contracts Erik G.Furubotn; Part III. Law and Economics: 6. The contract as economic exchangeJacques Ghestin; 7. Contract theory and theories of contract regulation AlanSchwartz; 8. Economic reasoning and the framing of contract law VictorGoldberg; 9. A transactions costs approach to the analysis of property rightsGary Libecap; Part IV. Theoretical Developments: Where Do We Stand?: 10.Transaction costs in incentive theory David Martimort and Eric Malin; 11.Norms and the theory of the firm Oliver Hart; 12. Liquidity constraint andthe allocation of control rights Philippe Aghion and Patrick Rey; 13.Complexity and contract W. Bentley McLeod; 14. Authority, as flexibility, isthe core of labour contracts Olivier Favereau and Bernard Walliser; 15.Positive agency theory: positioning and contribution Gerard Charreaux; PartV. Testing Contract Theories: 16. Econometrics of contracts: an assessment ofdevelopments in the empirical literature on contracting Scott Masten andStephanie Saussier; 17. Experiments on moral hazard and incentives:reciprocity and surplus sharing Marc Willinger and Claudia Keser; Part VI.Applied Issues: Contributions to Industrial Organization: 18. Residualclaimancy rights and ongoing rents as incentive mechanisms in franchisecontracts: complements or substitutes? Francine Lafontaine and EmmanuelRaynaud; 19. The quasi judicial role of large retailers Benito Arrunada; 20.Interconnection agreements: strategic behaviour and property rights GodefroyDang N'guyen and Thierry Penard; 21. Licensing in the chemical industry AsishAroroa and Andrea Fosfuri; Part VII. Policy Issues: Anti-trust and Regulationof Public Utilities: 22. Inter-industry agreements and European communitycompetition law Michel Glais; 23. Incentive contracts in utility regulationMatthew Bennett and Catherine Waddams Price; 24. Contractual choice andperformance: the case of water supply in France Claude Menard and StephaneSaussier; 25. Institutional or structural reform: sequencing strategies forreforming the electricity industry Pablo Spiller and Guy Holburn; 26.Electricity sector restructuring and competition Paul Joskow.