

A Critique of Welfare Economics H 324 p. 02

Little, I. M. D.  著

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発行年月 2002年09月
Oxford University Press
出版国 イギリス
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 hardcover
ページ数/巻数 324 p., Figures and tables
ジャンル 洋書
ISBN 9780198281191
商品コード 0200239844
本の性格 学術書
新刊案内掲載月 2002年10月
書評掲載誌 Journal of Economic Literature


A Critique of Welfare Economics was first published in 1950. It was concerned with the exposition, criticism, and appreciation of the theory of economic welfare as it had been developed to that date. It was an attempt to clarify what was meant by 'welfare'; to distinguish measurable, verifiable elements of the theory from subjective normative judgements about policies for improving economic well-being; and to establish criteria for determining whether one configuration of the economic system is better or worse than another. Little showed that the welfare theory of the time could be based directly on individual market choices, and that resort to traditional utilitarian concepts was not essential. A Critique of Welfare Economics is now reissued at the same time as Ethics, Economics, and Politics -- Little's latest book which explores the overlap between the three disciplines, and discusses the need for political decisions in economic matters, and the principles guiding them. He has added a new retrospective preface to Critique in which he assesses the contribution the book made in the light of subsequent literature in the area.
