Many-Body Quantum Theory in Condensed Matter Physics:An Introduction (Oxford Graduate Texts) '04
Bruus, Henrik, Flensberg, Karsten 著
1. First and second quantization; 2. The electron gas; 3. Phonons:coupling to electrons; 4. Mean field theory; 5. Time evolution pictures; 6.Linear response theory; 7. Transport in mesoscopic systems; 8. Green'sfunctions; 9. Equation of motion theory; 10. Transport in interactingmesoscopic systems; 11. Imaginary time Green's functions; 12. Feynmandiagrams and external potentials; 13. Feynman diagrams and pair interactions;14. The interacting electron gas; 15. Fermi liquid theory; 16. Impurityscattering and conductivity; 17. Green's functions and phonons; 18.Superconductivity; 19. 1D electron gases and Luttinger liquids; A. Fouriertransformations; B. Exercises; C. Index