Best Practice in Labour and Delivery. paper
Preface; 1. Pelvic and fetal cranial anatomy and mechanism of labourLouay S. Louis and Richard Warren; 2. First stage of labour SambitMukhopadhyay and David Fraser; 3. Analgesia and anaesthesia in labour JasonScott and Geraldine O'Sullivan; 4. Intrapartum fetal surveillance RohanD'Souza and S. Arulkumaran; 5. Uterine contractions Vivek Nama and S.Arulkumaran; 6. The management of intrapartum 'fetal distress' BryonyStrachan; 7. Nutrition and hydration in labour David Fraser and SambitMukhopadhyay; 8. Prolonged second stage of labour including difficultdecision making on operative vaginal delivery or Caesarean section HajeeraButt and Dierdre Murphy; 9. Operative vaginal delivery - indications,techniques and complications Stergios K. Doumouchtsis and S. Arulkumaran; 10.Caesarean deliveries - indications, techniques and complications Lisa Storyand Sara Paterson-Brown; 11. Breech and twin delivery Steve Walkinshaw; 12.Cord prolapse and shoulder dystocia Joanna Crofts,Timothy Draycott and MarkDenbow; 13. Antepartum haemorrhage Neelam Potdar, Osric Navti and Justin C.Konje; 14. Management of third stage of labour Pinakini Amin and Audrey AnnLong; 15. Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) Nutan Mishra and Edwin Chandraharan;16. Acute illness and maternal collapse in the postpartum period Guy N. B.Jackson and Steve Yentis; 17. Episiotomy and obstetric perineal trauma RaneeThakar and Abdul Sultan; 18. Induction of labour (includes IUFD) DeviSubramanian and Leonie Penna; 19. Preterm pre-labour rupture of membranesAustin Ugwumadu; 20. Preterm labour and delivery Sarah L. Bell and Jane E.Norman; 21. Labour in women with medical disorders (sickle cell disease,diabetes, epilepsy, severe pre-eclampsia, HIV/AIDS) Mandish Dhanjal andCatherine Nelson-Piercy; 22. Management of women with previous Caesareansection scar Rajesh Varma and Gordon C. S. Smith; 23. Rupture of the uterusNutan Mishra and Edwin Chandraharan; 24. Management of severepre-eclampsia/eclampsia James J. Walker; 25. Neonatal resuscitation and themanagement of immediate neonatal problems Paul Mannix; 26. The immediatepuerperium (perineal & pelvic haematoma, psychiatric illness, etc.) MahisheeMehta and Leonie Penna; 27. Triage and prioritisation in a busy labour wardTracey Johnston and Nina Johns; 28. Risk management related to intrapartumcare Melissa Whitworth and Helen Scholefield; 29. Team working, skills anddrills Dimitrios M. Siasskos and Tim J. Draycott; 30. Cerebral palsy arisingfrom events in labour Julian Woolfson; 31. Objective-structured assessment oftechnical skills [OSATS] in obstetrics Melissa Whitten and Maggie Blott;Index.