Structural Changes in U.S. Labour Markets:Causes and Consequences '92
Eberts, Randall E., Groshen, Erica L., Hoskins, Lee 著
Foreword, Acknowledgments, 1. Overview, 2. International Trade and Money Wage Growth in the 1980s, Comments: Louis Jacobson, 3. Lump-Sum Payments and Wage Moderation in the Union Sector, Comments: Ken Ross, 4. Profit Sharing in the 1980s: Disguised Wages or a Fundamentally Different Form ofCompensation?, Comments: Sharon P. Smith, 5. The Decline of Fringe-Benefit Coverage in the 1980s, Comments: David Lewin, 6. Indexation and Contract Length in Unionized U.S. Manufacturing, Comments: Michael L. Wachter, 7. Gender Differences in Cyclical Unemployment, Comments: Katharine G. Abraham, 8. Macroeconomic Implications, Finn E. Kydland, Contributors, References