Discourse and Meaning:Papers in honor of Eva Hajičová '96
Part 1 Foreword: although her life with us has not been easy, JarmilaPanevova and Petr Sgall. Part 2 Discourse: non-propositional encoding ofdiscourse categories, Olga T. Yokoyama; the content and form of illocutionaryacts, Jan Horecky; the sublanguage paradigm - a comprehensive theory oflinguistic activity, Bozena Hellisz Thompson; knowledge negotiation, PhilipA. Luelsdorff. Part 3 Meaning: allegation and local accommodation, Barbara H.Parte; remarks on substance, function and form, Helmut Schitelle; three kindsof using the identity sign, Pavel Materna; on what is impossible entailingeverything, Andrzej Boguslawski; some remarks on homonymy and polysemy, E.M.Uhlenbeck; the meaning of meaning in the Prague school, Oldrich Leska; yourmetaphor or mine - belief ascription and metaphor interpretation, YorickWilks, John Barnden and Jin Wang; on real mother, real man and similarexpressions, Milka Ivic. Part 4 Focus: the focus and scope of "only", JamesMcCawley; grammatical implementation of the dominance of subject and focus,Bengt Sigurd; a note on rhematic disagreements in early child language,Wolfgang U. Dressler; mobility of clause constituents and functional sentenceperspective, Jan Firbas; topic and focus in a formal framework, JaroslavPeregrin; wh-extraction and the topic-focus articulation of the sentence, EvaKoktova; theme-rheme structure: its exponents and its semanticinterpretation, Elena V. Paducheva. Part 5 Translation: some rationales andmethodologies for example-based machine translation, Makoto Nagao; les bellesinfideles: fidelity as a criterion of good translation, Margaret King;preference mechanisms of the Multra machine translation system, Anna SagvallHein. Part 6 Structure: structural and communicative hierarchies inparticipial adjuncts, Rudolf Ruzicka; writing down the speech of very smallchildren by English graphemes, Josef Vachek; tough constructions of Japaneseand English in HPSG framework, Akira Ikeya; on quantification in grammar andsemantics, Marie Tesitelova; fitting languages into a model of languagemodelled on language, Olga Miseska Tonic; some peculiarities of Czechrelational adjectives, Charles E. Townsend.