From Modernism to Postmodernism(Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies) H 768 p. 95
Part 1 Modern civilization and its critics: from "Meditations on FirstPhilosophy", Rene Descartes; from "Discourse on the Science and theArts", Jean-Jacques Rousseau; from "An Answer to the Question - What isEnlightenment?", Immanuel Kant; from "Reflections on the Revolution inFrance", Edmund Burke; from "Sketch for an Historical Picture of theProgress of the Human Mind", Marquis de Condorcet; "Absolute Freedomand Terror", Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel; "Bourgeois andProletarians", Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels; "The Mad Man" and "TheNatural History of Morals", from "The Genealogy of Morals", FriedrichNietzsche. Part 2 Modernity realized: "The Painter of Modern Life",Charles Baudelaire; "How to Make Our Ideas Clear", Charles S. Peirce;from "The Protestant Ethic" and "The Spririt of Capitalism" and from"Science as a Vocation", Max Weber; from "Course in GeneralLinguistics", Fernand de Saussure; "The Founding and Manifesto ofFuturism", Fillippo Tommaso Marinetti; "Lecture on Ethics", from"Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus", Ludwig Wittgenstein; from "Towards aNew Architecture", Le Corbusier; from "Civilization and ItsDiscontents", Sigmund Freud; "The Crowd Phenomenon", Jose Ortega yGasset; from "The Crisis of European Sciences and TranscendentalPhenomenology", Edmund Husserl; from "Dialectic of Enlightenment", MaxHorkheimer and Theodor Adorno; "Existentialism", Jean-Paul Sartre. Part3 Postmodernism and the Revaluation of Modernity: "Letter on Humanism",Martin Heidegger; "The Nature and Necessity of Scientific Revolutions",Thomas Kuhn; from "Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture",Robert Venturi; "The End of the Book and the Beginning of Writing",Jacques Derrida; "Nietzsche, Genealogy, History", from "Truth andPower", Michel Foucault; "Postmodernism: A Paracritical Bibliography",Ihab Hassan; from "The Desiring-Machines", Giles Deleuze and FelixGuattari. (Part contents)