The Economics of Environmental Degradation:Tragedy for the Commons? '96
Part 1 The economices of environmental degradations - an institutionalapproach; defining degradation; degradation and sustainability; 'property':market failure and environmental degradation; 'policy': domestic and globalpolicy failures and environmental degradation; 'population': population,economic scale and degradation; 'poverty': poor people, poor societies anddegradation; 'price': trade and degradation;the causes of degradation. Part 2Market failure and enviromental degradation; externalities; externalitiesbetween locations; externalities across frontiers; externalities betweengenerations. Part 3 Policy failure and resource degradation; the theory ofresource over-exploitation and degradation; addressing the fundamental causesof resource degradation; the forces for resource conversion - resources asassets; the decline of the African elephant - a case study; classic policyfailure: subsidies to conversions; whose policy failure? domestic or global.Part 4 The causes of envirnmental degradation: population,scarcity andgrowth; rapid population and degradation: ecologists' warnings and malthusianmodels; the neoclassical view of the problem of scarce resources andenvironmental degradation; the concept of scale of the economy:meta-resources and sustainable development; some failures of technologicaland behavioural responses; the role of institutional factors; conclusions;Part 5 Poverty and degradation; world poverty and world resources; linksbetween poverty and degradation; a case study concerning fuelwood; poverty,policies and aid; conclusion; Part 6 Societal poverty: indebtedness anddegradation; background to the debt crisis; trade-related changes; structraladjustment reforms; debt-for-nature swaps; conclusion; Part 7 Internationaltrade and environmental quality; environmental factors, comparative advantageand innternational trade; international trade and south-north transfers ofenviromental resources; economic development and state intervention ineconomy-environment interactions; international trade and environmentaldegradation: a case study of international trade in wood-based products;conclusion.