
A Concise Introduction to World Religions. 2nd ed. P 648 p. 11

Oxtoby, Willard G., Segal, Alan F.  編
価格 \24,368(税込)         
発行年月 2011年12月
Oxford University Press, Canada
出版国 カナダ
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 paper
ページ数/巻数 100 photos, 11 maps, & 10 tables
ジャンル 洋書/人文科学/宗教学/比較宗教学
ISBN 9780195437744
商品コード 1002724210
新刊案内掲載月 2011年08月


A Concise Introduction to World Religions, second edition, is a contributed volume that examines the development of major global faith traditions and movements. Based on the best-selling two-volume set World Religions: Eastern and World Religions: Western Traditions, this text explores the origins, central teachings, divisions and branches, rituals and practices, influences on culture, and responses to modern challenges for each tradition in an accessible and engaging style. Each chapter combines detailed analysis with excerpts from sacred texts, hymns, and prayers; focus boxes that draw attention to key rituals and figures; and full-colour photographs that more effectively illustrate the practices, rituals, and symbols characteristic of each faith. Other pedagogical features include a 'Tradition at a Glance' box that itemizes the fundamental characteristics and statistics for each tradition; a 'Major Branches of. . .' box that provides a breakdown of the divisions within each tradition; a map to situate the evolution of each faith; and a timeline that catalogues significant events. Each chapter concludes with a glossary, study questions, and further readings and recommended websites lists.