Blood Sport: A Social History of Spanish Bullfighting P 288 p. 91

Mitchell, Timothy  著

価格 \-         
発行年月 1991年04月
University of Pennsylvania Press
出版国 アメリカ合衆国
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 paper
ページ数/巻数 288 p.
ジャンル 洋書/人文科学/芸術/舞台芸術
ISBN 9780812213461
商品コード 1012353205


In "Blood Sport", Timothy Mitchell describes how public animal slaughter came to occupy a central place in the world view of one Western nation. Unlike books that romanticize matadors or mystify their "art", "Blood Sport" restores bullfighting to its social and historical context. It explores both the primitive passions of rural fiestas and the harsh process of selection that lies behind the urban bullfight as we know it today. The text attempts to unravel the strands of religion, class conflict, nationalism, political corruption and machismo that make bullfighting a microcosm of Spanish society. The physical and psychological trauma of matadors are also probed, and an engrossing discussion of blood sport in ancient Rome enables the reader to grasp the "pornographic" fascination that bullfighting holds for masses of spectators.