

Encyclopedia of Language Development annotated ed. H 784 p. 14

Brooks, Patricia J., Kempe, Vera  編
在庫状況 お取り寄せ  お届け予定日 2週間 
価格 特価  \52,723(税込)         
発行年月 2014年06月
Sage Publications Ltd.
出版国 アメリカ合衆国
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 hardcover
ページ数/巻数 784 p.
ジャンル 洋書/人文科学/心理学 /心理学:概論
ISBN 9781452258768
商品コード 1014705918
本の性格 学術書
新刊案内掲載月 2014年12月
書評掲載誌 Choice 2014/12


Brooks, Patricia J.(編者):College of Staten Island, CUNY
Kempe, Vera(編者):Abertay University


The progression from newborn to sophisticated language user in just a few short years is often described as wonderful and miraculous. What are the biological, cognitive, and social underpinnings of this miracle? What major language development milestones occur in infancy? What methodologies do researchers employ in studying this progression? Why do some become adept at multiple languages while others face a lifelong struggle with just one? What accounts for declines in language proficiency, and how might such declines be moderated? Despite an abundance of textbooks, specialized monographs, and a couple of academic handbooks, there is no encyclopedic reference work in this area--until now. The Encyclopedia of Language Development covers the breadth of theory and research on language development, and their practical application, from birth through adulthood.