
The Physics of Energy H 894 p. 18

Taylor, Washington, Jaffe, Robert L.  著

在庫状況 海外在庫有り  お届け予定日 1ヶ月 
価格 特価  \17,381(税込)         
発行年月 2018年01月
Cambridge University Press
出版国 アメリカ合衆国
言語 英語
媒体 冊子
装丁 hardcover
ページ数/巻数 894 p.
ジャンル 洋書/理工学/物理学/物理学:概論
ISBN 9781107016651
商品コード 1024774696
本の性格 テキスト
新刊案内掲載月 2017年08月


The Physics of Energy provides a comprehensive and systematic introduction to the scientific principles governing energy sources, uses, and systems. This definitive textbook traces the flow of energy from sources such as solar power, nuclear power, wind power, water power, and fossil fuels through its transformation in devices such as heat engines and electrical generators, to its uses including transportation, heating, cooling, and other applications. The flow of energy through the Earth's atmosphere and oceans, and systems issues including storage, electric grids, and efficiency and conservation are presented in a scientific context along with topics such as radiation from nuclear power and climate change from the use of fossil fuels. Students, scientists, engineers, energy industry professionals, and concerned citizens with some mathematical and scientific background who wish to understand energy systems and issues quantitatively will find this textbook of great interest.
