Kabuki (Jan. 1900 - Jan. 1915)
Kabuki (Jan. 1900 - Jan. 1915)
Publication year: 2010
Text: Japanese
Price: JPY1,470,000
Kabuki was a major theatrical magazine which took the leadership role not only among Kabuki critics but also of other theatrical performances between the Meiji and Taisho era. It was released in 1900 by Dr. Takeji Miki, brother of Ohgai Mori, real name as Tokujiro Mori.
The premier issue was composed by detailed evaluations, such as stage reviews and critical essays of performances of various theater companies. From the second issue, stage reviews and comments became main subjects, and various contemporary playwrights or critics contributed screenplays and comments on direction and performance. This style was succeeded as main characteristics of this journal.
Kabuki not only delivered contemporary stage reviews, but also recorded and archived a diversity of traditional Japanese theatrical styles. Thus, it remains an important resource for current researchers on Japanese theatrical performances even today.