Chohatsu Bukken Ichiranhyo
Requisitioned materials list in the Meiji era
Publication year: 1984
Text: Japanese
35mm positive, 24 reels
Index: 91 pages
Price: JPY336,000
Japan provided for an emergency through the assessment of its national power in the threatening situation leading to the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War. This "Requisitioned Materials List" is a series of confidential statistics including Kyobusei-hyo (administrative list of total military supplies compiled by the Special Staff Office of Japanese Army. In short these are the detailed lists of materials available for requisition in the future. From the nature of this document the entries are itemized to the minutest details. The most characteristic feature of this record unparalleled by any other statistical documents is that the entry is subdivided and described in full detail even to the item of Ooaza which was the former administrative district name for a major section of the old village before the consolidation of municipalities (cities, towns and villages) in the 22nd year of Meiji. This had remained in the record as the old village name even after the consolidation according to the assessment year.