森戸辰男関係文書 片山・芦田政権下「閣議」関係文書
Morito Tatsuo Kankei Bunsho
Texts related to Tatsuo Morito documents related to cabinet meetings in the Katayama and Ashida governments
Text: Japanese
Editor: Sei-ichi Koike (Morito Bunsho Kenkyukai representative)
16mm, 10 reels
Index: 261 pages. Commentary by Seiichi Koike
Price: JPY250,000
From the documents of Tatsuo Morito (1888-1984), first president of the new Hiroshima University that emerged following the 1949 educational reforms, and Minister of Education in the Katayama and Ashida cabinets, material related to cabinet meetings, recorded on microfilm. Contains material distributed at cabinet meetings Morito attended as a minister of state, including margin notes made on the documents by Morito himself, making these valuable records of cabinet business.